Topic outline


    Content: Detailed description of course content and prerequisites can be found here.

    Textbook: The adopted textbook is Speech and Language Processing (3rd Edition, draft, January 7th, 2023) by Dan Jurafsky and James H. Martin, available here.

    Additional resources: The following textbook can be used for consultation only: Introduction to Natural Language Processing by Jacob Eisenstein, October 2019, MIT Press, preprint version available here. The course also uses an electronic forum for discussion of technical matter and administrative information. You can also access video recordings of the lectures from academic year 2021/22 at this link

    Logistics: Lectures are on Wednesday 10:30-12:30 (room Me) and on Friday 10:30-12:30 (room De).

    Office hours: Thursday 12:30-14:30, email appointment required. Meetings can be face-to-face or else on-line at this Zoom link.

    • Forum for general news and announcements. Only the lecturer can post in this forum. Subscription to this forum is automatic for every student who has registered to this course.

    • Forum for discussion of technical matter presented during the lectures. Any student with a unipd account can post in this forum. Subscription to this forum is automatic for every student who has registered to this course.

    • Forum for discussion of technical matter presented during the open laboratory sessions. Any student with a unipd account can post in this forum. Subscription to this forum is automatic for every student who has registered to this course.

    • Forum for project discussion. Any student with a unipd account can post in this forum. Subscription to this forum is automatic for every student who has registered to this course.

  • Day 01

    February 28th, Wednesday (10:30-12:30)

    Course administration and presentation

    • Content outline
    • Laboratory sessions
    • Course requirements
    • Textbook
    • Project
    • Coursework
    • Statistics
    • Lecturer evaluation

    Natural language processing: An unexpected journey

    • What is natural language processing?
    • A few case studies: finance, social networks, health
    • Very short history of natural language processing
    • Why is natural language processing tricky?
    • Ambiguity, composition, recursion and hidden structure
    • How does natural language processing work?
    • Learning & knowledge
    • Search & learning
    • Market, environment and ethics


    • Slides from the lecture
    • Eisenstein, chapter 1 for learning & knowledge and for search & learning


  • Day 02

    March 1st, Friday (10:30-12:30)

    Essentials of linguistics

    • What is linguistics?
    • Phonology
    • Morphology
    • Part of speech
    • Syntax: phrase structure and dependency structure
    • Lexical semantics and general semantics
    • Pragmatics and discourse

    Text normalization

    • Word types and word tokens
    • Corpora
    • Language identification and spell checking
    • Text normalization: contraction, punctuation and special characters


    • Slides from the lecture
    • Jurafsky and Martin, chapter 2


  • Day 03

    March 6th, Wednesday (10:30-12:30)

    Text normalization

    • Word tokenization, character tokenization, and subword tokenization
    • Byte-pair encoding algorithm
    • Sentence segmentation and case folding
    • Stop words, stemming and lemmatization
    • Research papers

    Words and meaning

    • Lexical semantics
    • Distributional semantics
    • Review: vectors
    • Term-context matrix


    • Jurafsky and Martin, chapter 2
    • Jurafsky and Martin, chapter 6
    • Eisenstein, section 14.3


  • Day 04

    March 8th, Friday (10:30-12:30)

    Words and meaning

    • Pointwise mutual information
    • Probability estimation
    • Examples
    • Practical issues
    • Truncated singular value decomposition
    • Neural word embeddings
    • Word2vec and skip-gram
    • Logistic regression
    • Training
    • Practical issues
    • FastText and GloVe


    • Jurafsky and Martin, chapter 6
    • Voita, NLP Course | For You (web course): Word embeddings
  • Day 05

    March 13th, Wednesday (10:30-12:30)

    Words and meaning

    • Semantic properties of neural word embeddings
    • Evaluation
    • Cross-lingual word embeddings
    • Research papers

    Language models

    • Language modeling: prediction and generation
    • Language modeling applications
    • Relative frequency estimation
    • N-gram model
    • N-gram probabilities and bias-variance trade-off
    • Practical issues
    • Evaluation: perplexity measure
    • Sampling sentences
    • Smoothing: Laplace and add-k smoothing
    • Stupid backoff and linear interpolation


    • Jurafsky and Martin, chapter 6
    • Jurafsky and Martin, chapter 3


  • Day 06

    March 15th, Friday (10:30-12:30)

    Language models

    • Out-of-vocabulary words
    • Limitations of N-gram model
    • Research papers

    Neural language models (NLM)

    • General architecture for NLM
    • Feedforward NLM: inference
    • Feedforward NLM: training
    • Recurrent NLM: inference


    • Subword tokenization: BPE algorithm


    • Jurafsky and Martin, chapter 3
    • Voita, NLP Course | For You (web course): Language Modeling
    • Jurafsky and Martin, section 7.5
    • Jurafsky and Martin, section 7.7
    • Jurafsky and Martin, section 9.2
  • Day 07

    March 20th, Wednesday (10:30-12:30)

    Neural language models (NLM)

    • Recurrent NLM: inference (continued)
    • Recurrent NLM: training
    • Practical issues: parameter freezing, weight tying, softmax temperature

    Contextualised word embeddings

    • Transformers: short recap
    • Attention
    • Static embeddings vs. contextualized embeddings
    • ELMo


    • Jurafsky and Martin, section 9.2
    • Jurafsky and Martin, chapter 11
    • Voita, NLP Course | For You (web course): Language Modeling
    • Slides from lecture


  • Day 08

    March 22nd, Friday (10:30-12:30)

    Large language models

    • BERT: masked language modeling and next sentence prediction
    • Other models
    • The GPT-n family of large language models
    • Other large language models
    • Multi-lingual large language models


    • Jurafsky and Martin, chapter 11
    • Voita, NLP Course | For You (web course): Transfer Learning
    • Slides from lecture
  • Lab Session I: word embeddings

    March 22nd, Friday (16:30-18:30)

    Using pretrained word embeddings

    • Introduction to the gensim library
    • Common operations with word embeddings: lookup, similarity, NN retrieval
    • Visualizing word embeddings: dimensionality reduction with PCA
    • Intrisic evaluation of word embeddings: word similarity and word analogy benchmarks

    Pretraining word embeddings

    • Using gensim to pretrain word embeddings (Word2Vec style)
    • Saving and loading embeddings

    Extrinsic evaluation of word embeddings

    • Using word2vec representations for spam classification


  • Day 09

    March 27th, Wednesday (10:30-12:30)

    Large language models

    • Multi-lingual large language models (continued)
    • Sentence BERT
    • Miscellanea: emergent abilities, hallucinations, mixture of experts
    • Research papers


    • Adaptation: feature extraction vs. fine-tuning; catastrophic forgetting
    • Adapters
    • LoRA
    • Transfer learning


    • Positive pointwise mutual information (PPMI)


    • Jurafsky and Martin, chapter 11
    • Voita, NLP Course | For You (web course): Transfer Learning
    • Slides from lecture
  • Day 10

    April 3rd, Wednesday (10:30-12:30)


    • Prompt learning
    • Retrieval augmented generation
    • Large language models and ethics
    • Research papers


    • Supervised fine-tuning
    • Reward modeling from human feedback
    • Reinforcement learning training


    • Jurafsky and Martin, section 10.10
    • Slides from lecture


    • Slides: Training pipeline of GPT assistants like ChatGPT by Andrej Karpathy, 2023. First part only: stop at slide #30.

    • External video: Training pipeline of GPT assistants like ChatGPT by Andrej Karpathy, 2023. First part only: stop at time-lapse 20:17

  • Day 11

    April 5th, Friday (10:30-12:30)

    Part-of-speech tagging

    • Part-of-speech (PoS) and part-of-speech tagging
    • Evaluation

    Hidden Markov models

    • Definition of Hidden Markov model (HMM)
    • Probability estimation for HMM
    • HMMs as automata with output
    • Decoding via Viterbi algorithm
    • Forward algorithm
    • Trellis representation
    • Backward algorithm


    • Jurafsky and Martin, chapter 8
    • Slides from the lecture


  • Day 12

    April 10th, Wednesday (10:30-12:30)

    Hidden Markov models

    • Forward-backward algorithm: motivation
    • E-step and M-step
    • Research papers

    Conditional random fields

    • Conditional random fields (CRF) and global features
    • Linear chain CRF, local features and feature templates
    • Inference algorithm
    • Training algorithm
    • Research papers


    • Jurafsky and Martin, chapter 8
    • Jurafsky and Martin, appendix A
    • Eisenstein, section 7.5.3
  • Day 13

    April 12th, Friday (10:30-12:30)

    Neural part-of-speech tagging

    • Local search
    • Fixed-window neural model
    • Recurrent neural model
    • Recurrent bidirectional model
    • Global search
    • Learnable transition features
    • LSTM-CRF model

    Sequence labelling

    • Named entity recognition (NER)
    • BIO labeling
    • NER evaluation
    • Other sequence labelling tasks


    • Jurafsky and Martin, chapter 8
    • Eisenstein, section 7.6.1
  • Day 14

    April 17th, Wednesday (16:30-18:30)

    Dependency parsing

    • Dependency trees
    • Grammatical functions
    • Projective and non-projective dependency trees
    • Dependency treebanks
    • Transition-based dependency parsing


    • N-gram model and \(k\)-smoothing


    • Jurafsky and Martin, chapter 18


  • Day 15

    April 19th, Friday (10:30-12:30)

    Dependency parsing

    • Arc-standard parser
    • Transitions definition
    • Ambiguity
    • Oracle
    • Example


    • Part-of-speech tagging
    • HMM supervised estimation


    • Jurafsky and Martin, chapter 18
  • Lab Session II: Introduction to Transformers with Huggingface

    April 19th, Friday (16:30-18:30)

    Transformers & Huggingface

    • Huggingface hub
    • Transformer
    • Tokenizer
    • Datasets
    • Fine-tuning a transformer model
    • Evaluation
    • Generation


  • Day 16

    April 24th, Wednesday (10:30-12:30)

    Dependency parsing

    • Arc-standard parser
    • Oracle and generation of training data
    • Feature extraction, feature functions and feature templates
    • Alternative models for dependency parsing: beam search and graph-based dependency parsing

    Neural dependency parsing

    • Case study: Kiperwasser & Goldberg 2016
    • Feature extraction using BiLSTM
    • Hinge loss function


    • Jurafsky and Martin, chapter 18
    • Slides from the lecture
    • Simple and Accurate Dependency Parsing Using Bidirectional LSTM Feature Representations, Kiperwasser and Goldberg, TACL, vol. 4, 2016
  • Lab Session III: Introduction to LangChain

    April 29th, Monday

    Introduction to LangChain Library

    • Model I/O
    • Data connection
    • Chains
    • Agents
    • Memory
    • Callbacks


  • Day 17

    May 3rd, Friday (10:30-12:30)

    Dependency parsing

    • Alternative models for dependency parsing: graph-based dependency parsing
    • Evaluation: UAS and LAS


    • Viterbi algorithm


    • Jurafsky and Martin, chapter 18
    • Slides from the lecture
  • Day 18

    May 8th, Wednesday (10:30-12:30)

    Semantic parsing

    • Referential meaning and general semantics
    • Lexical semantics resources: WordNet and word senses
    • Word sense disambiguation
    • Semantic roles and thematic grid
    • Lexical semantic resources: PropBank and FrameNet
    • Semantic role labeling (SRL)
    • Neural algorithm for SRL
    • Argument selection and selectional restrictions
    • Referential meaning and meaning representations
    • Abstract meaning representation formalism (AMR)
    • Semantic parsing and transition-based approaches
    • Research papers


    • Jurafsky and Martin, chapter 20
    • Slides from the lecture


  • Day 19

    May 10th, Friday (10:30-12:30)

    Machine translation

    • Word ordering and V,S,O language classification
    • Word translation and word alignment relation
    • Statistical machine translation (SMT)
    • Translation model + language model
    • Neural machine translation (NMT): general idea
    • Encoder-decoder architecture (seq2seq): general idea


    • Arc-standard oracle


    • Jurafsky and Martin, chapter 13
    • Slides from the lecture


  • Lab Session IV: neural dependency parsing

    May 10th, Friday

    Arc-standard model

    • Implement an arc-standard parser
    • Implement an associated oracle
    • Train a neural model


  • Day 20

    May 15th, Wednesday (10:30-12:30)

    Machine translation

    • RNN: autoregressive encoder-decoder
    • RNN: greedy inference algorithm
    • RNN: training algorithm and teacher forcing
    • RNN: attention and dynamic context vector
    • RNN: dot-product attention
    • RNN: bilinear attention
    • Transformer-based architecture
    • Cross-attention, query, key and value
    • Search tree and beam search
    • Evaluation: BLEU and METEOR
    • NMT and leaderboard
    • Parallel corpora
    • Research papers


    • Jurafsky and Martin, chapter 13
    • Jurafsky and Martin, chapter 9
    • Jurafsky and Martin, chapter 10
  • Day 21

    May 17th, Friday (10:30-12:30)

    Question answering

    • Question answering (QA) and factoid questions
    • Text-based QA: IR + machine reading
    • Machine reading based on contextual embeddings
    • Start and end probabilities
    • Candidate score and fine-tuning loss
    • Negative examples and sliding windows


    • Spurious ambiguity


    • Jurafsky and Martin, chapter 14


  • Lab Session V: Summarization

    May 17th, Friday


    • T5 model
    • Dataset
    • Data collator and training
    • Evaluation: ROUGE measure


  • Day 22

    May 22nd, Wednesday (10:30-12:30)

    Question answering

    • Machine reading based on attention: Stanford attentive reader
    • Bilinear product attention
    • Practical issues
    • Retrieval augmented generation
    • Research papers
    • Datasets and leaderboards
    • Answer sentence selection
    • Knowledge-based QA
    • Entity linking


    • Human Conversation and turns
    • Dialogue and speech acts
    • Grounding
    • Dialogue structure, adjacency pairs, and sub-dialogue
    • Inference


    • Rule-based systems
    • Corpus-based systems
    • Response by retrieval
    • Response by generation
    • Hybrid systems
    • Research papers

    Virtual assistants: frame-based

    • Frame-based dialogue systems
    • Slot/value pairs and question templates
    • Domain classification, intent determination, and slot filling


    • Eisenstein, section 17.5.2
    • Jurafsky and Martin, chapter 14
    • Slides from the lecture
    • Jurafsky and Martin, chapter 15


  • Day 23

    May 24th, Friday (10:30-12:30)


    • Word embeddings: parallelogram model
    • Dependency tree and ambiguity

    Virtual assistants: dialogue-state

    • General architecture
    • Dialogue acts
    • Natural language understanding
    • Dialog state tracker
    • Dialog policy
    • Natural language generation

    Dialogue systems

    • Evaluation
    • Ethical issues


    • Jurafsky and Martin, chapter 15


  • Day 24

    May 29th, Wednesday (10:30-12:30)

    Discussion & conclusions

    • NLP timeline
    • Open problems
    • Explainability
    • Grounding
    • Theory vs. invention
    • Ethics
    • The NLP Hype
    • NLU Datasets
    • Generative AI project lifecycle
    • FLAN Datasets
    • ChatBot Arena

    Wrap up

    • Overview of past years final exams
    • Overview of course syllabus


    • Slides from the lecture


  • Course syllabus

    The course syllabus is based on

    • the adopted textbook: 'Speech and Language Processing' by Dan Jurafsky and James H. Martin, 3rd Edition, draft from January 7th, 2023, available on web
    • auxiliary textbook 'Introduction to Natural Language Processing' by Jacob Eisenstein, October 2019, MIT Press, preprint version available on web
    • on-line course 'NLP Course | For You' by Elena Voita, University of Edinburgh
    • lecture slides, available on the course website
  • Project submission

    Instruction for project registration, preparation and submission have been already posted in the Project forum.

    In addition, I intend to run on your software a tool for plagiarism detection. In order to do this, I am asking you to extract all of your code from the notebook for part II of your project, and to submit the .py file to the assignment activity below associated to the date of your final exam. Only one student per group should make the .py submission.

  • Final Exams