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The content of the course is developed by two instructors:
Silvia Rita Sedita will teach 30 hours
Leonardo Mazzoni will teach 18 hours
The final exam consists of two parts.
1. The first part consists of a written test which includes 3 open questions on the content of the textbook. Each question will be evaluated with a maximum of 8 points.
2. The second part includes one group-work ppt presentation of 10-15 slides (evaluated with a maximum of 8 points) on a specific topic selected by the students (including reflections on business case studies presented during the course). Students are required to choose a specific concept illustrated in class (for instance: collaborative strategies, platforms, new product development, and so forth), and, after defining it, to provide examples of the application of the concept to a real case. In doing so, they have to elaborate critical reflections on the topics presented during the course.
Details on point 2 are available on the Moodle Platform in due course.
FOR NON-ATTENDING STUDENTSThe final exam consists of two parts.
1. The first part consists of a written test which includes 3 open questions on the content of the textbook. Each question will be evaluated with a maximum of 8 points.
2. The second part consists of a written essay based on the reading of at least one of the proposed papers on the Moodle Platforms (min 1500 - max 3000 words). The essay must be uploaded on Moodle at least 10 days before the chosen date of the exam. The essay will be evaluated with a maximum of 8 points.
Details on point 2 are available on the Moodle Platform.
This article aimed to identify the effect of university-industry (U–I) collaborations on the innovative performance of firms operating in the advanced materials field. By doing so, it proposed an original classification of the research organization partners. The main contribution resides in estimating the role played by collaborations with differently experienced scientists. In contrast with previous studies, whose empirical setting was the life science industry, in the advanced materials industry, the most effective collaborations are not with “Star scientists”, but with “Pasteur scientists”. The latter concept was empirically tested first by the authors of this article, to deepen the present understanding of industrial heterogeneity in innovation processes and to offer new insights for the formulation of corporate innovation strategies. The results of the estimation of a negative binomial regression model applied to a sample of 455 firms active in photocatalysis in Japan confirm the idea that engaging in research collaborations, measured as co-invention, with “Pasteur scientists” increases firms’ R&D productivity, measured as the number of registered patents. In contrast, we found that firms’ collaborations with “Star scientists” exert little impact on their innovative output.
The paper investigates the existence of an Open Regional Innovation System (ORIS model). This model is characterized by the firms’ adoption of an open innovation strategy, which overcomes not only the boundaries of the firms but also the boundaries of the region. Using data collected in a sample of life science firms, our research provides evidence that the Emilia Romagna RIS has evolved towards an ORIS model, where firms’ innovation search strategy, despite being still embedded in local nets (involving several regional public research organizations – PROs), is open to external-to-the-region research networks and knowledge sources. It also shows that innovation openness influences significantly the firms’ innovative performance.
To complement the notion of the dominant design, analysing its socio-economic implications from the point of view of value for customers (according also to the typology of innovation)
In the folder you can find the paper presented (10/11/2022) and the related slides
Purpose: We address the following research questions: (1) Is the innovation trajectory of the acquirer affected by previous acquisitions? (2) In which direction knowledge recombination from the acquisition is pushed further? (3) Is the technological acquisition more a means for knowledge exploration and radical innovation or, on the contrary, a way for consolidating previous technological specialization?
Design/methodology/approach: The nature of this study is exploratory; therefore, we opted for an inductive approach based on the L’Oreal case study analysis. Data were triangulated from different sources: (a) the L’Oreal website and press releases collected in the 2009–2015 period; (b) journal articles and books on the global cosmetics industry and the insightful work of Jones (2010); (c) the Questel Orbit database containing data on patents; and (d) the Zephyr – Bureau van Dijk database containing information on the acquisitions of firms.
Findings: Empirical evidence from a patent data analysis reveals a paradoxical path. On the one hand, acquisitions enable the company to explore new technological spaces; on the other hand, they allow it to reinforce a preexisting technological trajectory, even when the knowledge base of the target is distant from that of the acquirer. Thus, in our case study, the absorption and recombination of knowledge from a variety of domains support specialization more than diversification technology strategies.
Originality/value: We add to innovation management literature a new perspective, by offering a detailed analysis, through patent data, of the knowledge recombination process, led by technological acquisitions
Ouvert : vendredi 7 octobre 2022, 14:00Terminé : mardi 15 novembre 2022, 11:03
Teams must be minimum 3 max 5 people.
Find a name for your team and list the components
Ouvert le : jeudi 15 décembre 2022, 08:00À rendre : mercredi 11 janvier 2023, 10:00
Attending students are required to upload a group-work ppt presentation of 10-15 slides (evaluated with a maximum of 8 points) on a specific topic selected by the students (including reflections on business case studies presented during the course), and to present it to the class on the 12th and 13th of January 2023.
Suggested structure of the presentation:
1. Team name
2. Definition of the concept
3. Motivation (why is this concept important?)
4. Illustration of the real case
5. Critical thoughts
6. List of the group members and role in the groupwork
7. References (not compulsory)
Ouvert le : lundi 3 octobre 2022, 00:00
Not attending students are required to deliver a written essay based on reading at least one of the proposed papers on the Moodle Platforms (min 1500 - max 3000 words). The essay must be uploaded on Moodle at least 10 days before the chosen date of the exam. The essay will be evaluated with a maximum of 8 points.
Suggested structure of the essay:
1. Title of the chosen paper/s, authors, and journal
2. Brief summary of the paper/s
3. What is the contribution of the paper/s to innovation management?
4. What are the strengths and weaknesses of the paper/s?
5. How would you apply the "lesson learned" from the paper/s in your future professional life?
- Gianluca Mustillo, Innovation Manager, Consorzio per il Trasferimento Tecnologico C2T, 14th October 2022.
- Antonio Guadagnino, CEO and Innovation Manager, Paradigma, 21th October 2022.
- Riccardo Susigan, Officer and Digital Expert, General Directorate INPS, 3th November 2022.
- Alvaro Maggio, Inventor, Polytechnic of Turin, 18th November 2022.
- Domenico Lanzillotta, Co-founder, Blum, 2nd December 2022