Section: Credits | Earth and Climate Dynamics - First Cycle Degree | STEM

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  • Earth and Climate Dynamics - A.Y. 2024-25

    Class: LM-34 Earth Sciences Duration: 3 years
     Branch: Padova  Language: English
     Referent of the Degree Course: Prof. Fabrizio Nestola
     Access: open access with admission requirements


    Through classroom lessons and practical activities, students are provided with highly interdisciplinary advanced training in the field of Earth Sciences. The course guarantees the acquisition of a technical-scientific background in the most up-to-date and applied techniques of remote sensing, satellite data processing, GIS, drones, and basic modelling. Delivered in English, graduates of the Earth and Climate Dynamics course are equipped with specific and professional skills essential for facing the challenges associated with the complex phenomena of climate change.


     Educational Offer - Course Units

    First Year: Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics, Dynamics of Hydrosphere, Atmosphere and Earth's Surface, Geology And Paleontology, Mineralogy and Petrology

    Second Year: Methods for Earth Observations and Data Management, Paleoclimatology, Climatology and Climate Models, Structural Geology and Earth's Geodynamics, Field Monitoring and Thematic Mapping, Geochemistry of Earth System, Georesources and Sustainability, Soil System Science 

    Available from Academic Year 2024/25

    Third Year: Ecosystems Under Climate Change, Evolution of Coastal Systems, Fluvial Systems and Extreme Events, Geohazards and Risk Analysis, Global Impacts of Mass Movements

    Available from Academic Year 2025/26
