Period: Second semester

Course unit contents: 

- Georesources
Definition and classification: resources vs. reserves; georesource types.
Basics on genesis, composition and geological-geographical distribution of metallic, industrial and energetic resources.
Present and future of georesources: use, availability (the Hubbert peak model; the Zipf’s Law), global resource estimation and trends, environmental impact of mining, “green mining”, mine waste mining. Critical raw materials and raw materials for the energy reconversion.
- Building materials and ornamental stones
Properties of natural and artificial building materials, and the influence of climate change on degradation processes, and consequent vulnerability of cultural heritage; reuse of materials as secondary raw materials.
- Natural hydrogen resources and CO2 capture
- Laboratory activities will provide an overview of methods for observation, classification and analysis of georesources and geomaterials.

Planned learning activities and teaching methodsTaught lessons with the aid of PowerPoint presentations and, in some cases, video materials. Lab classes (group work) will allow the macroscopic examination of representative ore samples.

Ultime modifiche: giovedì, 22 agosto 2024, 16:56