

par Michele Allegra,
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Dear Students,

this message is mainly addressed to students that have not been regularly attending the lectures, but are planning to give the exam.

1) The exam will involve a project and an oral examination. I will arrange a few options for exam dates, starting in mid-February.

2) Projects will be carried out in groups (preferentially). The project must be a data-analysis project involving either information theory, or inference, or both. In my last lecture, I proposed a few possible projects. The relative references are in the "Projects" folder. I am, however, willing to accept any proposal on your part, including extensions of projects you started for other courses.

3) I will be available to discuss the projects next week, on Monday 10.30-12-30  and Thursday 10.30-12.30 on zoom,


If you cannot attend any of these virtual meetings, please contact me via email to arrange a meeting

4)  In the oral exam, I will  ask you some questions on the course program. Questions will focus on the main concepts, not on proofs. I updated the course program on Moodle, highlighting in boldface the most relevant topics, that will be the object of exam questions. For each topic, I added the relevant references in standard textbooks as well as in my course notes.

Michele Allegra