Uploaded notes of today's lecture and evaluation guidelines

Uploaded notes of today's lecture and evaluation guidelines

by Luis Constantino Garcia Naranjo Ortiz De La Huerta -
Number of replies: 0

Dear Students,

I have just added the notes of today's lecture to the file "Notes of extra material presented in class". I also uploaded the evaluation guidelines that I distributed at the end of the lecture. 

My ToDo list is reduced to 1 item: I want to update the notes of Prof Fassò incorporating some corrections/remarks. I will inform you when this is done.

However, for the purposes of preparing for the examination, you are completely set with the material that is available on the course webpage.

I look forward to hearing from you to schedule your exam.

Thanks again for your participation on the class and my best wishes for the holidays.

Luis García-Naranjo

University of Padua
Dipartimento di Matematica "Tullio Levi-Civita"
Via Trieste 63
35121 Padova
Tel. +39 049 8271341