Topics to focus on in paper presentation

Topics to focus on in paper presentation

Number of replies: 1

Hello everyone,

For our paper presentation we are working with DisorBERT: A Double Domain Adaptation Model for Detecting Signs of Mental Disorders in Social Media and we have two questions about some of the topics we were discussing for inclusion in the presentation:

  • in the technical specification, how should we discuss the technical details (e.g. number of training epochs, GPU used for training, how the training texts were pre-processed)? Should we ignore them, include them in the presentation without discussing them or also talk about them?
  • in the paper's conclusion, the authors do not write about applications, since they are clear from the introduction, but rather talk about the limitations and possible future improvements; should we talk about that towards the end of the presentation?

Thank you in advance!

In reply to LUCA FANTIN

Re: Topics to focus on in paper presentation

by Giorgio Satta -

I would say that both points are marginal for this project presentation, you can skip these points. Just focus on the basic idea, what is the main difference between BERT and DisorBERT, etc.