Dear Students,
Spindox co-funds a PhD Scholarship at the University of Padua, focused on quantum optimization algorithms (detailed description below).
The scholarship is part of the PhD program in Mathematical Sciences (Computational Mathematics curriculum).
The PhD project includes
- a research period abroad,
- a research period in the company,
to foster collaboration on real-world optimization problems.
If interested, you can find the application procedures at the link below (deadline July 25th):
Additionally, you can contact Professor Francesco Rinaldi (
Spindox is willing to provide additional financial support on top of the PhD Scholarship.
Francesco Rinaldi
The widespread application of AI techniques and emerging sustainability challenges have led decision support systems to tackle increasingly complex optimization problems. Moreover, in several contexts, re-planning becomes necessary due to events which invalidate the previous decisions: real-time reactions are hence needed. The growing size of the problems and the limited availability of processing time contradict one another: the computing power is indeed insufficient to ensure the resolution of complex problems; therefore, an increasingly efficient and diversified framework of new algorithms is becoming necessary. The project thus focuses on the development and analysis of new exact, heuristic and quantum algorithms that allow us to tackle those challenging problems.