Topic outline

  • Welcome to DS Master's Degree!

  • Study Plan

    The Study Plan (Piano di studio) is the list of all the activities (exams, internship, etc.)  you must carry out to earn the credits (CFU/ECTS) required to graduate.

    The Study Plan can be modified throughout the years (in specific timeframes) until you apply for graduation.

    Study Plan can be:

    1. Automatically Accepted: it allows you to choose your elective course units only among  the educational activities offered by your Department/School to fulfill credit requirements,  and it is approved as soon as you click on 'Confirm Plan' (i.e. all the activities are immediately uploaded to your online Transcript);

    2. Requiring approval: It allows you to include some educational activities offered by other Departments/Schools but is subject to approval by the Degree Programme Board (CCS - Consiglio del Corso di Studi).

    Filling in your Study Plan is compulsory. You must fill it out in accordance with the Manifesto degli Studi of your degree program, i.e., a list of all the course units offered in your degree program, and the rules related to your enrolment year.

    Online procedure is now available. Please check below for further details.

    Next Timeframe:
    1. November 10th - December 1st -- online procedure is available to all students;
    2. December 7th -- Degree Programme Board completes preliminary evaluation of the study plans;
    3. December 8th - December 14th -- the online procedure is available to students that got rejection in the first phase;
    4. December 17th -- Degree Programme Board completes the evaluation of the study plans.

    Should you have any questions related to the choice of the exams in your study plan, please refer to the members of the study plan committee:

    Professor Wolfgang Erb (email:
    Professor Marco Formentin (email:

  • TMDS curriculum (Trans Mediterranean Data Science Double Degree)

  • Erasmus Mundus programme in Big Data Management and Analytics (BDMA)

  • Data Science Internships

  • Master's Thesis

    • Here, you can find a nice Latex template for your Master's thesis. The template meets the latest UNIPD formatting guidelines. 

      For any comments or updates, please email us.


  • PHD proposals


  • TutorSpace!

  • Erasmus+ Program

    What is the Erasmus program?

    The Erasmus for Studies program allows students to spend a period of study (between 3 and 12 months) at one of the other 500 universities in one of the participating European countries (or in a non-European country). It is possible to carry out the mobility during every study cycle, attend courses and take exams, prepare thesis work, and carry out internship work as long as it runs alongside a period of study.

    Slides related to the Erasmus+ Programme are available at the bottom of this page.

    Call for applications deadline

    13th of January 1:00 pm

    Erasmus Zoom meetings

    For info and suggestions on practical and logical aspects of the process, students can join the Zoom info meetings. These events are organized by the School of Science Mobility Unit Desk.

    Erasmus partners of UNIPD

    1. Universidad Catalunya- Faculty of Mathematics and Statistics
        Unipd Contact: Prof. Marco Ferrante

    2. Helsingin Yliopisto - Department of Mathematics and Statistics
        Unipd Contact: Prof. Marco Ferrante

    3. Université Libre de Bruxelles- Main Site
        Unipd Contact: Prof. Massimiliano De Leoni

    4. Danmarks Tekniske Universitet (Technical University of Denmark)- Main Site
        Unipd Contact: Prof. Massimiliano De Leoni

    5. Universite Paris 13 - Paris Nord- Main Site
        Unipd Contact: Prof. F. Rinaldi

    Norvegian Univ. of Sc. and Tech. (NTNU)- Main Site
        Unipd Contact: Prof. Massimiliano de Leoni

    Further information

    1. Erasmus program @Unipd:

    2. FAQ - COVID-19 effects on student mobility - outgoing: