Video recordings from past years

Video recordings from past years

by Giorgio Satta -
Number of replies: 12

This post is in answer to a comment I got through the anonymous questionnaire that is active this week.

Those of you who will not be able to come to all of the lectures, may find it convenient to take a look at video recordings of the lectures from academic year 2021/22, available at this link.

Be aware that some of the lectures have now been slightly updated, due to the fact that nlp is evolving very quickly nowadays!

In reply to Giorgio Satta

Re: Video recordings from past years

by Giorgio Satta -

Clarification: to access the moodle homepage for the 2021/22 course (see previous post) you need to register using the unipd domain. No key is needed.

I need to apologise to those students who, at the start of the semester, asked me about video recordings of nlp lectures, and I answered that there are none. I completely forgot about the material from the 2021/22 course.

In reply to Giorgio Satta

Re: Video recordings from past years


Good afternoon Professor,

I was trying to access the video resources to catch up on a few lectures that I've missed, and was met with the following notice, stating that "This course is currently unavailable to students". I made sure that I was signed into the site, but the issue persists, and I wanted to let you know to hopefully find a solution.

Thank you in advance for the patience,

Erica Brisigotti

Attachment Screenshot 2024-04-23 164211.png
In reply to Giorgio Satta

Re: Video recordings from past years

by Giorgio Satta -
Dear Erica, I have checked and the videos are still available.

I think the problem is that you need to register to the 2021/22 course, your registration to the 2023/24 course does not work for that server.

If that does not work, please bring your laptop to class and we will check together what the problem might be.

In reply to Giorgio Satta

Re: Video recordings from past years

by Giorgio Satta -
Any other student has attempted to take a look at those videos after registering? Does it work?
In reply to Giorgio Satta

Re: Video recordings from past years

by Giorgio Satta -

Sorry, I think I provided the wrong link under the STEM server. The correct link is under some DEI server, here. I have also updated my prev messages and the box #1 of the course homepage.

When you use the DEI server you need to register, the STEM registration does not work. Please let me know if you can now access the videos.

In reply to Giorgio Satta

Re: Video recordings from past years

with the new DEI link, I now am met with the same issue as Gianluca: I can now see that there are video recordings, but once I click to open them, I get the message: "L'utente non possiede il privilegio necessario per utilizzare questo servizio", both when I sign on with SSO and stay Guest.
Since the site is from DEI, I wonder if the access is by default limited to certain degrees or immatriculation years, since I'm from Physics of Data and enrolled in the university after the academic year 2021/2022.

Re: Video recordings from past years

I enrolled in the course NLP 2021/22 using the DEI link and I can watch the recordings. I am from Data Science so there is no default limit access
In reply to Giorgio Satta

Re: Video recordings from past years

by Giorgio Satta -

Gianluca, the link you have used is wrong. And you are not currently registered at the NLP 2021/22 NLP course ...

In reply to Giorgio Satta

Re: Video recordings from past years

by Giorgio Satta -

The special message: "L'utente non possiede il privilegio necessario per utilizzare questo servizio" is delivered when the user is not registered. I have looked into the 2021/22 nlp homepage, and I see that LAURA LEGROTTAGLIE is registered, while ERICA BRISIGOTTI is not.

Erica I think you have been skipping some step with SSO. Could you please bring your laptop to class so that we can check this together?

In reply to Giorgio Satta

Re: Video recordings from past years

by Giorgio Satta -
To help you with **registering** to the NLP 2021/22 course, here are some instructions. I took these from an other course (AUTOMATA, LANGUAGES AND COMPUTATION) but the procedure is basically the same.

1. you need to enter the link and sign in with your credentials in SSO from above on the right of the page

2. you need to scroll down and write down the course name and choose AUTOMATA, LANGUAGES AND COMPUTATION 21/22 as in picture 1

3. from left of the page you should go under administration tag and click on enroll me in this course as in picture 2

4. on the next page you need to click on sign me up as in picture 3, then you can click on each lecture's videos and watch
Attachment figure_1.jpg
Attachment figure_2.jpg
Attachment figure_3.jpg