Question 5 in the final exam on June 28th, 2021

Question 5 in the final exam on June 28th, 2021

Number of replies: 4
Hello Professor,
Thank you for your previous answer it was very helpful.

In relation to part b of the question, I seek clarification on a specific aspect of the reduction process. we know that L1 is not recursively enumerable due to Rice's theorem. Subsequently, I utilized this information to demonstrate that L2 is also not REC in part b.

My specific question pertains to the handling of the relationship between L1 and L2 in the reduction. In the (yes-yes part), can I substitute L(M) from L1 = L(M) and L(M prime) into ∅? Similarly, in the (no-no part), is it acceptable to introduce LR = ∅?

Yes-Yes Part:

if enc(M) ∈ L1 then L(M)= Σ* and since L(M)=L(M) and we have that L(M) = Σ* so we will have that L(M) U L(M PRIME) U LR = Σ* so enc(M,M prime) ∈ L2

No-No Part:

if enc(M) ∉ L1 then L(M)≠ Σ* then since L(M)=L(M) and we have that L(Mprime) and LR = ∅ so that L(M) U L(M prime) U LR ≠ Σ* so then enc(M,M prime) ∉ L2


In reply to AHMAD SADIN

Re: Question 5 in the final exam on June 28th, 2021

Sorry professor, I wrote this part: (we know that L1 is not recursively enumerable) wrongly, I meant to say that L1 is not (REC).
In reply to AHMAD SADIN

Re: Question 5 in the final exam on June 28th, 2021

by Giorgio Satta -

Dear Ahmad, this exercise was discussed in class, on lecture 36.

Before I answer to your question, you have to tell me exactly how you reduce L1 to L2, that is, how you transform an instance of L1 into an instance of L2. Only after that it makes sense to think about a proof for the y2y and n2n property.

So please let me know which reduction you have in mind.

In reply to Giorgio Satta

Re: Question 5 in the final exam on June 28th, 2021


Apologies, Professor, for missing the lecture, and I regret any inconvenience caused. I also want to express my apologies for any confusion in my question explanation.

I've uploaded my answer, aiming for clarity. Regarding my question, I want to confirm if what I did in my answer is correct or not, taking into account L(Mp) = L(M) U LR = ∑* and L(M prime) = ∅.

In reply to AHMAD SADIN

Re: Question 5 in the final exam on June 28th, 2021

by Giorgio Satta -

Dear Ahmad, your reduction is not fully specified. On input MP, you need to specify your choice of M and M' (as a function of MP).

You write: 'by considering L(MP) = Sigma* ... I do not understand this, MP is provided as input, it could well be that L(MP) is not the language Sigma*.

I strongly recommend that you try to get from your classmates the solution discussed during lecture 36. Anyone who can help please?