1. The exam will be held in presence.
The online version will be available for students abroad only. Please, contact the professor via email if you need to do the exam online within Tuesday, Jan. 24 11.00 a.m. Please, attach the self-declaration with the reasons why you cannot attend the ordinary session.
2. Students have to present a valid identification document (not the unipd badge).
3. Students will have two submission options: online or in hard copy.
4. Students will have 90 minutes to fulfill the answer sheet.
5. For the purposes of this exam, plagiarism is intended as «the partial or total attribution of another’s words, ideas, research or discoveries to oneself or another author, regardless of the language in which they are officially presented or disseminated, or the omission of citation sources. Plagiarism may be intentional or the effect of non-diligent conduct or result from abuse, in the case of collective works, of one’s hierarchical or academic superior position» (University of Padova, Ethics Code, Article 4, § 3).
6. In general, each student must make the ethical and moral commitment not to act dishonestly and not to tolerate academic dishonesty on the part of other students. Incorrect behaviors may be subject to disciplinary measures (University of Padova, Student Careers Regulations, Article 29).
7. For any doubt or question, please, contact the professors via email.