Hello everyone. I am attempting to modify the code from lab 1 to return user data instead of tweet data. There are 3 helper functions created by Lejla in lab 1: create_url, connect_to_endpoint and get_data. I'm using the get_data function but I changed the endpoint to "https://api.twitter.com/2/users/:id" and i changed the user_fields to "screen_name,name,id_str,description,profile_image_url". And my query is the user_id which was optained from tweet data.
The idea is to get tweet data using the code from lab 1 and then take the list of user_id's (i.e. the person who posted each tweet) and find out more information about them. I have already tried adding the user fields i mentioned above to the original tweet query and it does not work.
If anyone has any ideas on how I can fix this so that it works or if you need more information please let me know, thanks!