Tutor class on Friday

Tutor class on Friday

by Anna Badalyan -
Number of replies: 2

Dear Students,

Given the number of students that attended 2 last classes on Friday, I kindly ask those of you that are interested to attend the class this Friday to confirm their participation by writing me an email to anna.badalyan@studenti.unipd.it. 

If there aren't enough participants, we will merge 2 tutor classes.

Best regards,

Anna Badalyan

In reply to Anna Badalyan

Re: Tutor class on Friday

by Anna Badalyan -
Dear Students,

My apologies, I forgot to mention that during the Friday's class will do the exercises on Stochastic Methods course.

Best regards,
Anna Badalyan
In reply to Anna Badalyan

Re: Tutor class on Friday

by Anna Badalyan -
Dear Students,

Thanks to everyone who emailed me, I confirm that the class on Friday (25/11/2022) will take place at 15:00 in Lab55 in Complesso Paolotti.
We will do the problem sets from Stochastic Methods course.

Best regards,
Anna Badalyan