Tutorship activities - First class

Tutorship activities - First class

by Giovanni Donghi -
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Dear Students,

My name is Giovanni Donghi, and I will be your tutor for this academic year, together with my colleague Eleonora Cicciarella. As your tutors, we are committed to assisting you in overcoming challenges in your courses and addressing any other university related concerns you might have. Our first meeting will take place on Tuesday, October 29, at 12:30 in room 1BC45 at Torre Archimede, where we will introduce ourselves and our activities, and gather your requests to assess your needs (possibly also on timings for tutor classes). I will then start with some exercises regarding Stochastic Methods.

If you need help with something in particular, you can contact us at giovanni.donghi@phd.unipd.it or eleonora.cicciarella@studenti.unipd.it.

Best regards,

Giovanni Donghi