

by Giorgio Satta -
Number of replies: 0

A warm welcome to the electronic forum of the course Automata, Languages and Computation for the master degree in Computer Engineering, academic year 2024/25.

The main objective of this forum is the exchange between students of technical, didactic and administrative information regarding the course, and the exchange with the lecturer of proposals and suggestions aimed at improving the course itself.

The forum is divided into two sections:

  1. Announcements: used for general and administrative information, such as change of dates and other alerts, organisation of special activities, etc. --- only the lecturer can post in this section.

  2. Class: used for the discussion of lecture topics and exercises proposed by the lecturer --- everyone can post in this section.

Two very important recommendations for everyone:

  • During the whole Semester, check the forum regularly for new topics, at least two times a week.

  • When posting to the forum, try to maintain as much as possible the distinction between different discussion topics: open a new discussion topic only in case there is no other topic relevant to your message.

See you all on October 2nd!