Project part I: research paper presentation

Project part I: research paper presentation

by Giorgio Satta -
Number of replies: 0

As part I of the mandatory course project each group should choose a research paper, read and understand it, and record and submit a short video with the paper presentation. See a previous post in the Project forum for suggestions on how to read research papers.

Here are the rules for the video presentation of the research paper:

  • paper can be on a topic not related to part II of your project
  • video presentation should be something around 5 minutes and should use a few slides
  • each group should publish the title of the paper of choice in the special spreadsheet (see a previous message in this forum)
  • video presentation should be submitted before the written final exam; if two students in a group decide to take the written exam in different sessions, then the full project should be submitted before the date of the earliest session
  • when the video is ready, upload it into a shared folder, publish the url in the spreadsheet, and mark the submission entry for part I with 'yes'
  • for any file that you will produce and upload, choose a file name that includes as prefix your names

This year, papers should be chosen from the proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers), year 2023 (910 papers). You can access these papers at this link.

As for your presentation, use a front slide with paper title, author names, and your names. Start presenting yourself by saying your names. Move on with a description of the topic of the paper and a very short overview of previous work. Present the technical specification of the proposal or result, followed by the experimental evaluation, if any. Conclude with the perspective applications.