Question about proving a language is in RE

Question about proving a language is in RE

Number of replies: 1
I found myself doing an exercise where I could logically prove that both L and its complementary are in RE but not in REC. Since we've seen that this isn't possible, I'm doing something wrong, but I can't figure it out.
This was the exercise:
I have a property P = { L | L is in RE, the intersection between L and D is empty} where D is the set of strings with odd length.
I've proven using Rice's theorem that Lp is not in REC.
To prove that Lp is in RE I thought of building an NTM N s.t. L(N)=Lp:
- take enc(M) as input and using the Universal TM I simulate M inside of N
- using non-determinism guess an odd length string w and simulate M on w
- if M accepts, then there exists an odd length string in L(M), so N rejects
On the other hand, I can build an NTM similarly s.t. L(N) is the complementary of Lp (by guessing an odd length string and accepting whether M accepts)
The complementary of P should be { L | L is in RE, L has at least one odd length string }
Since Lp is not in REC, both Lp and its complementary cannot be both in RE, or they would be in REC.
Could anyone tell me where I'm wrong?

Re: Question about proving a language is in RE

by Giorgio Satta -

The problem in your message is the proof that Lp is in RE.

You say: if M accepts, then there exists an odd length string in L(M), so N rejects. But you do not specify when N accepts. In fact there is no effective criterion for N to accept input enc(M) ... think about it and you will see that nothing works for acceptance.