New Internships available: Mathematical Models and Methods for Challenging Data Science Applications

New Internships available: Mathematical Models and Methods for Challenging Data Science Applications

par Francesco Rinaldi,
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Dear Students,

new Internship positions are now available.

The projects are related to "Mathematical Models and Methods for Challenging Data Science Applications".

The internships will be carried out in collaboration with the Italian Institute of Technology (IIT) in Genova.

Below are some details related to the available projects.

Duration: 4/6 months.

Fundings: guaranteed by the host institution (IIT).

For further info write an email to (Please attach a cv and transcript of records to the email you send).


   Francesco Rinaldi


Topic 1: Chromatin Imaging Data Analysis: detection
This research project is related to the extension and application of our python library Chromatin IMaging Analysis tool (CIMA, unpublished), aimed at automatic processing and analysis of chromatin imaging data. Specifically, the project will focus on point-cloud data as thus obtained with Single-molecule localization microscopy (SMLM) experiments as OligoSTORM (Nir*,Farabella* et al. PlosGen 2018), aiming at developing and testing automated methods for the identification and decoding of imaged chromatin loci. The project will require the development and analysis of varied density-based (e.g., DSCAN and HDBSCAN) clustering and network-based community identification methods (e.g. Louvain method) that have been tested for signal detection (Piacere et, al. in preparation), use and development of hyperparameters optimisation tools, coding the algorithmic implementation, and analysis of both synthetic and real data

Topic 2: Chromatin Imaging Data Analysis: classification
This research project is related to the extension and application of our python library Chromatin IMaging Analysis tool (CIMA, unpublished), aimed at automatic processing and analysis of chromatin imaging data. Specifically, the project will focus on point-cloud data as thus obtained with Single-molecule localization microscopy (SMLM) experiments as OligoSTORM (Nir*,Farabella* et al. PlosGen 2018), aiming at implementing classification methods of imaged chromatin loci. The project will require the testing of representation methods for 3D points cloud object, 3D object description, the implementation of 3D alignment strategies for 3D object comparison, dimensionality reduction ( UMAP, PACMAP), testing varied classifiers to define chromatin loci sub-types,  and coding the algorithmic implementation, testing it on of both synthetic and real data.

Topic 3: Computational Genomics
This research project will focus on studying statistical preferences of long non-coding RNAs in binding to the genome (Farabella et al. Nat. Struct. Mol. Biol.  2021; Morf et al. Nat Biotechnol. 2019) via triplex-formation. Specifically, the project aims at acquiring a multi-omics view of the lncRNA-chromatin interactome, integrating bioinformatic predictions, RADICL-seq and publicly available conformation capture experiment. The creation of this common framework will serve as the starting point to investigate changes in the network of interaction between lncRNAs and the chromatin (lncRNA-chromatin interactome) during neural differentiation, especially focusing on genomic location linked with neurodevelopmental disorders. The project is part of the FANTOM6 collaborativeefforts, a worldwide collaborative project aiming at identifying all functional elements in mammalian genomes.