Dear all,
a few clarifications about the NS exam.
First of all, as said at the beginning of the course, the exam will consist of two parts:
1) Written exam - 90mins
you will have 30mins for multiple choice questions on the topics covered by the course (10 points), 30+30minutes for two open questions (10 points for each question) on two specific topics, e.g., "Discuss about the Local PageRank algorithm, its definition, its main parameters, its interpretation and use, plus any other aspect you find relevant (max 1 page)" or similarly for any other topic covered (e.g., "community detection through Louvain","LDA and NMF approaches", "quality measures for topic detection", etc.). You do not have to know each single equation in the slides, but need to have a clear understanding of the basic ones and their meaning/usefulness. There are 5 exam sessions for the written test (see, namely:
Better (but not compulsory) if you first take the written exam, then present your project.
2) Project presentation
For the project I expect a powerpoint-like presentation of the main outcomes of the project (if you are a group each person in the group should be contributing to the presentation, i.e., after a general introduction each person should present her/his own part of the work) plus the code you developed. I expect to receive them by email the day before the oral exam. For interdisciplinary projects, as your SNA colleagues are also asked to write a report, you should contribute to that with a (very short) section briefly explaining the methods you used in the analysis. Wrt the length of the presentation, I assume 5 mins for introducing the topic, plus 5 mins for each group member, so that: single person = 10 mins, group of 2= 15 mins, group of 3= 20 mins, etc. Reference starting dates for the oral sessions (already available in uniweb) are:
Tomaso Erseghe