Dear all,
today's presentations on IP projects are now available in the course web-site for those that didn't have the chance to attend. The video can be found at this link, and pdfs (which include contacts of all SNA groups) at this second link
The next important step is to create the interdisciplnary groups.
We need (at least) 10 groups from NS willing to join their SNA colleagues!
You can contact your SNA colleagues directly, but we will also have a chance to sit and talk with them on Thu Nov 30, 2023, 8:30am in classroom 14 @ Complesso Beato Pellegrino: Hope many of you can do it, at least one per group. Please let me know, during our next lecture (Mon Nov 27), who's available.
The NS Tutor, Sina Tavakoli (, who you will meet next week at the laboratories, will help you in this process.
Tomaso Erseghe