to do for the Network Science labs

to do for the Network Science labs

by Tomaso Erseghe -
Number of replies: 0

Dear all,

here is a few things to do before coming to the labs (starting next monday, Nov 27, 2023).

1. bring your own laptop, the four labs (Nov 27, Dec 1, 4, and 11) will be done in the classroom

2. be sure you have an active Google account,, preferably with your institutional email

3. be sure you have an active Google Colab account,, preferably linked to your institutional email

4. upload the files for the first lab in your Google Drive, under "Colab Notebooks/NSlab1". The files are available in the course website, here: 

5. be sure you have an active Reddit account, preferably linked to your institutional Google account

6. create a Reddit app in your reddit account, store your client_id and client_secret keys somewhere, we will be using them in the first lab experience

7. install Gephi, in your PC. We will need it in the fourth lab


Tomaso Erseghe