Enrolment options

Dear students,

please find below a brief overview of the course, so you can have an idea of the topics that will be covered.

i) Prerequisites that you must satisfy to be able to follow the course:

- Basic knowledge of biology and physiology. In particular, knowledge about structure and function of DNA, RNA and protein syntesis in eukariotic and prokariotic cells is required. Participation in this course is also recommended for those wishing to attend the "Computational Genomics" course (Prof Barbara Di Camillo).

ii) Target skills and knowledge that will be covered during lessons:

Basic information about the fundamental technologies applied in the field of medical biotechnologies:

1. molecular cloning
2. generation of genomic libraries
3. methods for DNA amplification and sequencing
4. whole genome sequencing
5. immunological techniques
6. gene editing
7. gene therapy
8. vaccine development
9. cell reprogramming and tissue engineering
10. application to diagnosis and therapy of human diseases of the previous methods

Part of the course will focus on bioinformatics aspects of biotechnologies:

1. alignment and assembly of sequences (DNA and proteins)
2. functional inference (post-genomics)

iii) Examination methods:
The student will have to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the subject, showing the ability to synthetically expose the concepts and to generalize them.

The exam will be written (multiple choice questions or short answer), followed by an oral exam.
This method allows to evaluate both the acquired knowledge and the understanding, together with the ability to synthesize the concepts.

iv) Planned learning activities and teaching methods:

The course introduces theoretical backgrounds through frontal lessons, which will be as interactive as possible to promote a high degree of participation from the students.

The teaching material will be exclusively in english. The slides of each lecture will be provided through the Moodle platform, together with scientific reviews on specific subjects.

In a separate folder (Study material - background) you will find some papers covering the background of the course (the main information will be treated also during the first lessons).

For further details please visit the syllabus page of the course, that is available at:

https://didattica.unipd.it/off/2022/LM/IN/IN0532/001PD/INP9087821/N0 ; (italian version)

https://en.didattica.unipd.it/off/2022/LM/IN/IN0532/001PD/INP9087821/N0 (english version)
Self enrolment (Student)
Self enrolment (Student)