The interstellar medium (ISM), represents the space between stars and it is constituted by different components, which have a fundamental role in shaping and replenishing the insterstellar matter during its life cycle. Chemistry and microphysics, i.e. all the processes occurring at microscopic scale where quantum effects are important, are key to understand and unveil how stars, planets, and life originate from the extreme conditions of the ISM. How did the chemical complexity derive from the simple molecules formed during the early Universe to the prebiotic species observed nowadays? How do we observe and identify molecules? How do we model chemistry to understand key aspects of star and planet formation? During this course the students will gain relevant background information that will allow to understand basic concepts in Astrochemistry and to do research in this field. The students will also acquire hands-on experience by running codes to solve chemical networks in a stand-alone fashion or within more complex physical frameworks.
- Docente: Stefano Bovino