Opzioni di iscrizione

Many companies strive to customize products and services in a profitable way. This course develop competences in managing efficient product/service customization. The mass customization approach and the configurational approach are explained in detail. It considers jointly the technical and the organizational challenges. The considered technical aspects concern the product/service characteristics and the digitalization supports for customization management. The organizational aspects concern the redesign of selling processes, technical documentation generation process, knowledge elicitation and maintenance process, changes in roles, and implementation of digital supports. The laboratory part of the course is focused on the evaluation and development of product configurators, a specific digital support for product/service customization. This course provides specific competences for the roles of knowledge engineers, techinal-sales experts, configuration managers, operations managers, marketing and R&D experts responsible for developing or managing product families, designers of e-commerce web sites for customized products.
Iscrizione spontanea (Studente)
Iscrizione spontanea (Studente)