Opzioni di iscrizione

The Nanosystems course allows the students to acquire the knowledge of chemistry for nanotechnology.

It will give students the fundamentals for the understanding of the chemical and physical interactions behind the nanosystems’ synthesis and properties. Furthermore, the main synthetic methods of nanostructural systems as well as, how the properties of these systems depend on their chemical structure, dimensions, shape and on the environmental conditions will be provided. In addition, the fundamental concepts of the techniques for the investigation of nanomaterials and application aspects in different fields as biomedicine and energy and environment will be introduced.

Expected learning outcomes:
- Knowledge of the main supramolecular forces and interactions behind the nanosystems synthesis and assemble.
- Knowledge of the main methodologies of nanosystem synthesis.
- Understanding the existing relationships between the size effect of the nanomaterial and their chemical physical properties.
- Knowledge of the standard methods used to study the nanosystems.
- Knowledge of the main applications of nanosystems.
Iscrizione spontanea (Studente)
Iscrizione spontanea (Studente)