Teacher: Dr. Ileana Menegazzo (DiSC)
Theory (slides in English, lesson in Italian – about 2h)
Date: to be defined
Location: aula M (DiSC)
Overview of the NMR spectrometers in the Department, with relative probes and software.
Safety rules in presence of magnetic fields (on line course is compulsory before the practical training).
Basic principles of the one-dimensional NMR experiment.
Preliminary operations: Editing Temperature - Lock - Shimming - Wobb
Acquisition and elaboration of the 1H spectrum:
- Acquisition parameters
- Phase correction, baseline correction, calibration, integration
- Field inhomogeneities: effect on the spectrum
- Effects of the number of acquired and processed points, AQ time and window functions
- RG and receiver saturation
- D1: effect on the integration
- 90° pulse calibration
The quick T1 estimation
Acquisition and elaboration of the 13C spectrum:
- 13C not decoupled and 13C {1H} decoupled
Solvent signal suppression with presaturation
Practical training at the Bruker AVANCE III 400 NMR - Department
of Chemical Sciences (about 4h)
Date: to be defined
Location: DiSC (NMR facilities)
and processing of the experiments in groups.
Non-Italian students will be grouped together and the practical training will be in English.
- Docente: Ileana Menegazzo