Aperçu des sections

  • Internship opportunities

  • Workshops, seminars and lectures a.y. 23/24

    • University Talent Challenge is a digital event thought for students and graduates (both Bachelor and Master) of the main academic disciplines (Engineering, Economics&Finance, Statistics, Physics and more).
      The project involves major companies, both national and international, that are looking for new talents for their teams: among them are Accenture, A2A, Avvale, Cegeka, Decathlon, Generali and Lipari Consulting.

      The selection process is divided into several phases and is designed to allow the companies to get to know the participants better and to evaluate both their hard and soft skills. The final phase includes a Business game competition, which will be held online on October 25th, 2024 and in which students and graduates will have the chance to showcase their skills before the companies' HR managers.
      In order to participate*, you can enrol in the official site www.universitytalentchallenge.it by September 30th, 2024.
      You can find attached a flyer of the project.

    • We are pleased to invite you to the fifth stage of Cybersecurity 5.0 Career Days, the first Road Show that brings together the most advanced training institutes and the most competitive companies in the sector, with the aim of presenting the various possibilities available to young people to find work and pursue a career in the world of Cybersecurity. The event will take place on March 20th, 2024 from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. at Le Village by CA Triveneto, Piazza Zanellato 23, 35131 Padova (PD). Please find attached the flyer containing a QR code, redirecting you to the form which you can register to the event with (in any case, you can also contact Planet Diplomacy either by phone (06.77073275 - 06.77073160) or by mail (planetdiplomacy@gmail.com - info@planetdiplomacy.it).
      Further information can also be found at https://planet-diplomacy.it/en-cybersecurity/. Don't miss this opportunity to personally get in touch with companies involved in the world of Cybersecurity!

    • ChatGPT has become powerful in practical tasks in many areas such as e-business, economics, medical science, finance, science, engineering, software development, customer services, human resources management, marketing, autonomous vehicle, public relations, entertainment, military, and many more. ChatGPT is one of large language models (LLMs) and most popular now. In this talk, Prof. Jo will introduce how ChatGPT came from the Transformer algorithms and its architecture which is a basis for almost all large language models (LLM). Because LLMs appeared recently but has been rapidly spreading into our daily lives, it has faced many fatal vulnerabilities. Prof. Jo will present several vulnerabilities and security issues of LLMs.

    • Join us in this workshop to explore techniques in mobile security! We'll be focusing on Static Penetration Testing and Digital Forensics for compromised devices.

      The workshop will cover digital forensics techniques on compromised devices using cloud-based tools. It will be led by Matteo Brunati, CEO of Agorà Security.

      You'll explore mobile security with Riccardo Poffo, Mobisec's CTO and Penetration Testing Team Leader. The training will provide you with a clear understanding of static penetration testing methodologies in order to identify vulnerabilities and effectively intervene to secure mobile applications.

      Register here: https://servizi-esterno.math.unipd.it/userlist/lista/view?id=77

  • A.y 23/24 - Beginning of the course "Security of Advanced Networking and Services"

  • Welcome day - presentation

  • Study Plan guidelines

    • You will find here some guidelines about the procedure to fill in the Study plan. The images in the slides are just an example taken from a Master Degree of the School of Science, but the procedure will be similar. 

      Please, be reminded to visit the page of the School of Science for more information about study plans and deadlines: https://www.scienze.unipd.it/en/services/study-plan/

  • Cybersecurity Master's degree - meeting students and professors [April 6, 2022]

  • [ERASMUS+] Call for admission 2022/23

    Study abroad with the Erasmus+ for Studies!

    The Erasmus+ for Studies programme allows students to spend a period of study at a partner university in Europe and beyond.

    Call for admissions 2022/2023 is online.

    Deadline for application is January 13, 2022

    Introductory meeting for the Master programs in Computer Science, Cybersecurity, and Data Science:

    Info meetings of the School of Science (on Zoom):

  • [SEMINAR] Moviri talk @Foundation of Databases - November 24, 2021 h 2:30pm Room Be, Building DEI/G

    As part of the Foundation of Databases course, Moviri (https://www.moviri.com/), a leader company in performance engineering, security and IoT, will give a seminar entitled

    Manual performance testing and automatic performance tuning on

    Wednesday 24 November 2021 at 14:30, Room Be, Building DEI/G

    The seminar will be also streamed live on youtube at:

    You can find attached a flyer with the abstract of the talk and a description of Moviri.

  • [SEMINAR] The Russian Cards Problem: Crossing Hands - September 23, 2pm CEST - Room 2AB40

    On *Thursday 23* at *2pm (CEST)*, Prof. Thomas Ågotnes, from Bergen
    University, will deliver a talk on:

    *The Russian Cards Problem: Crossing Hands*

    If interested, you're warmly invited to attend in person in *Room 2AB40*
    - Torre di Archimede.



    The Russian Cards Problem (RCP), originally introduced in the Moscow
    Mathematical Olympiad in 2000, is an example of a problem of an
    unconditionally secure protocol where the sender and receiver are able
    to transmit secret information safely over a completely non-secure
    channel with out any prior exchange of keys or any other information,
    without the secret being learned by a third party with access to the
    channel. Analysis of the RCP turns out to involve subtle implicit
    assumptions about agents knowledge and their reasoning about nested
    higher-order knowledge (knowledge about others knowledge), and modal
    epistemic logic and in particular public announcement logic, have turned
    out to be very useful in this study. In turn the RCP has informed the
    developments of these logics. In this talk I will introduce the RCP and
    epistemic and public announcement logic, and solutions to the RCP. I
    will in particular focus on a new result. It has been a long standing
    open problem whether or not there exist protocols of length strictly
    greater than two. We resently settled this problem, answering the
    question in the affirmative, by presenting a new solution to the
    original RCP that involves more than two steps. It starts with an
    initial announcement with so-called crossing hands, after which it is
    not common knowledge that the protocol can terminate in one more step.


    *Short Bio*

    Thomas Ågotnes is a Professor of Information Science and head of the
    Logic and AI research group at the Department of Information Science and
    Media Studies, University of Bergen, Norway. He is also a visiting
    Professor at the Centre for the study of Logic and Intelligence at
    Southwest University, China. His main research interests include formal
    knowledge representation and reasoning about different types of
    interaction, in particular using modal logic, often combined with other
    mathematical models of interaction for example from game theory, with
    applications in the fields of artificial intelligence and multi-agent
    systems. He has published extensively in these fields. He has been
    awarded the Changjiang (Yangtze river) Scholar award by the Chinese
    government, and best paper awards at conferences such as AAMAS and CLAR.

  • [Job opportunities] ELIS Innovation Hub

    ELIS Innovation Hub in collaboration with a consulting company leader in the definition of digital and organizational strategies for the public administration, is looking for young people who are strongly interested in the world of consultancy.

    The opportunity provides for a first period of four weeks of paid training on the topics: Cyber-Security, IT Architecture and Consulting Skills aimed to direct employment in ELIS with inclusion on project activities within the scope of the training.


    • Graduates in Engineering, Mathematics, Statistics, Physics achieved within a year with a graduation grade above 104 or undergraduates with max 5 exams to take and average exams> = 27
    • Interest in developing in the field of consultancy
    • Fluent Italian, English B2
    • Analytical and communicative skills The selection process involves an initial interview with ELIS and a second meeting with the representatives of the partner company.

    The start of the activity is scheduled for * 7 March 2022.

    In case of interest, send a CV complete with authorization to processing of personal data at the address selection@elis.org by * 4 March 2022 * indicating the reference "Bootcamp Cyber-Security".

    More info:

    https://www.elis.org/eih/ <https://www.elis.org/eih/>

    and YouTube channel:


  • [SEMINAR] Dr. Fabio De Gasperi - Towards Secure Machine Learning for Cybersecurity

    On March 4th - 10.30am CET - Dr. Fabio De Gaspari (Sapienza)


    gave a talk in our University:

                                          "Towards Secure Machine Learning for Cybersecurity"

    If you missed it in presence, you can find the talk of the video and the slides here:

    In this directory the registration of Fabio De Gasperi's talk and his slides:


    If you are interested in a resarch topic related to this presentation, feel free to contact me: mauro.conti@unipd.it
  • ISACA Chapter

    Dear students,

    Hoping that this can make an important contribution in training for your future career, in collaboration with ISACA Venice Chapter we offer you the opportunity to register for free in some courses held by the latter for the related IT security certifications.

    In this link you will find more information about the courses.

  • [SEMINAR] July 26th at 4pm CEST - Data Synthesis with Differential Privacy

    On July 26th at 4pm CEST, prof. Chia-Mu Yu from National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University  will deliver a talk on "Data Synthesis with Differential Privacy".

    Please find below abstract and bio.

    The event will be in person in Room 2AB/40 in Torre di Archimede, but you can also join the event on zoom: 


    Meeting ID: 814 9726 8111
    Passcode: 952331

    You are all warmly invited to attend!
    Mauro Conti

    Despite increased demand for valuable data, the privacy concerns associated with sensitive datasets present a barrier to data sharing. One may use generative models to generate synthetic data, but unfortunately, the synthetic data in this way may still contain sensitive information. Currently, differential privacy is the golden standard of data privacy. Thus, an alternative approach is to construct differentially private generative models that quantitatively ensure the disconnection between the sensitive data and synthetic data. In this talk, we will go through the idea of differential privacy and briefly describe the recent research progress on the development of differentially private generative models.

    Chia-Mu Yu is currently an associate professor at National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Taiwan. He had academic visits at IBM Thomas J. Watson research center, Harvard University, Imperial College London, University of Padova, and the University of Illinois at Chicago. He Received Hwa Tse Roger Liang Junior Chair Professor, MOST Yong Scholar Fellowship, ACM/IICM K. T. Li Young Researcher Award, Observational Research Scholarship from Pan Wen Yuan Foundation, and MOST Project for Excellent Junior Research Investigators, Taiwan. His research interests include differentially private mechanism design, cloud storage security, and IoT security.


    Dear students,

    We would like to inform you that the registrations to the virtual courses offered by the DECAMP project - Open Distributed European Virtual Campus - (https://mydecamp.eu/) for the first and second semester of the Academic year 2022/2023 are now open.

    The deadline for applying to the courses offered in the first semester is 05 Oct. 2022.

    The deadline for applying to the courses offered in the second semester is 07 Feb 2023.

    These are special courses delivered completely online thanks to the collaboration of the University of Padova with a Consortium of European universities coming from six different EU countries. The main focus of the courses is the ICT security in the following specific fields:

    • Cloud Computing Security - University of Cantabria (bachelor)
    • Applied Web Application Security: Attacks and Defense - Metropolia University of Applied Sciences (bachelor)
    • Secure Network Management and Computer Networks - Munich University of Applied Sciences (bachelor)
    • Applied Computer Forensics and Crime Investigation - University of South Wales (master)
    • Security of e-Health Systems - University Politehnica Bucharest (master)
    The DECAMP courses (https://mydecamp.eu/courses/) are divided per study level (bachelor and master) and per semester.

    All students who are interested in being part of this project can apply following the instructions on the website https://mydecamp.eu/how-to-register/

    Once your application is successfully concluded, please, send an email to cybersecurity@math.unipd.it notifying: the name of the course and the University delivering it and the semester (first of second).

    Kind Regards,

    The Faculty and Student Office of the Department of Mathematics

  • [Seminar] Digital and network forensic technologies conference at DEI

    Dear all,

    the Department of Information Engineering is hosting a conference on the use of digital and network forensic techniques in the legal and professional setting on Wednesday 31 May 2023

    Although the morning session is restricted to law enforcement officers, the afternoon session from 15:00 to 17:30 hosting scientific and professional talks will also be open to master and PhD students, researchers, faculty and university personnel.

    Participation is free of charge but reservation is required also for the afternoon session at the following link


    The program leaflet is attached. The conference language will be Italian

    Nicola Laurenti