Opzioni di iscrizione

In this course I will present recent development in the Physics of Living Systems, with particular focus on Models and their comparison with data. The program is the following:

1. Statistical Physics of Ecological Systems
- Neutral theory and emergent patterns in ecology
- Dynamical Evolution of Ecosystems
- Upscaling and Downscaling biodiversity
- Species Interaction Networks
- Consumer-Resource Models

2. Theoretical Models in Neuroscience
- Basics in Neuroscience
- Neural circuits & structure and function of brain networks
- Wilson Cowan models
- Stochastic whole brain models
- Mean field approaches
- Criticality in the brain
- Controllability in brain networks

3. Physical Models in Biology
- Virus Dynamics
- Bacterial Genetics
- Molecular Population Dynamics
- Gene expressions
- Criticality in gene-regulation networks
- Robustness and Adaptability in Living Systems.
Iscrizione spontanea (Studente)
Iscrizione spontanea (Studente)