GroupGrade (out of 80)Comments
Group A60
Despite the homework has been carried out with due diligence, the report reflects some sloppiness in writing (for example, a space should be added after each full stop, there are full duplicated paragraphs, citations are not always reported with the same style). All these aspects clearly indicates that the report has not been carefully checked by the team members before submission. The value proposition section should clearly identify the needs addressed by the project and the added value it brings along. Instead, the section mixes up these aspects with technical considerations, which should not be considered here. The Technology section is generally well done, but its organization could be improved. Moreover, some details are not functional to the project. The dissertations on interpolation techniques and WiMax technology, for example, are not relevant to the proposal. WAN technologies are not accessible from user terminals. The integration of WiFi and LTE is standard practice: no need to justify it in detail. The cost analysis touches many relevant points, but without quantifying the costs.
Group B80
The project has been developped in all its part, with due diligence. The cost analysis is well done, though personnel costs are not included. Overall, a very well done homework.
Group C65
The homework has been slightly misinterpreted, since the objective was to propose a possible solution for DC monitoring, rather than examing the range of possibilities. The report reflects some sloppiness in writing that clearly indicates that it has not been carefully checked by the team members before submission, which is not acceptable. The description of many of the sensors listed in the technical section seems to be a rough cut&paste from the devices datasheets, without much effort to harmize the text, or just to correct the puntuaction and flow. Often times full stop or other punctuation marks are not followed by a space. Font size is not the same throughout the text. All these relatively trivial oversights give the idea of lack of care and professionalism and should be avoided because they can negatively affect the evaluation of otherwise good work. The cost analysis touches many relevant points, but without quantifying the costs.
Group D80
Very well done. The costs and revenues have not been quantified, still the analysis is well developed.
Group E65
The report is relatively well done, although the use of AI-based writing tools is all too evident (at times, also due to the clumsiness of authors who have left some AI-generated tags in the text). The result also presents most of the limitations of such AI tools: the text is often repetitive, and most of the statements are general and not substantiated by any specific example or reference. The technical section consists of a list of sensor types, but no effort was made to identify possible off-the-shelf devices that could be used to realise the IoT system. The strategic partner section is better developed, but way too emphatic for a technical document (again, a typical signature of AI tools). The section on revenue sources is very poor, as it merely lists a number of possible sources of income, but no attempt has been made to quantify the amount of money that could be collected from each of them.
Group F78
The homework has been carried out with due diligence. From a technical perspective, the report is sufficiently detailed, though the aspects related to the energy harvesting module are not fully developed (which kind of EH device do you consider? What's its energy harvesting capability? In which conditions?). The cost/revenue analysis is not fully developed. Also, the value proposition is somehow generic: What are the “evolving needs of patients and healthcare providers”? Acronyms should be expanded at their first usage. Overall, a good work.

Peer evaluation grading

Student's ID numbergrade (out of 20)

Modifié le: jeudi 2 mai 2024, 19:25