The Master's Degree Programme in Chemical and Process Engineering welcomes students who are currently studying in other Degree Programmes or in other Universities in Italy.

If you wish to transfer to the Master's Degree Programme in Chemical and Process Engineering, please follow the specific procedure according to your profile. Kindly note that in order to be admitted to this Master’s Degree Programme, you must meet its entry requirements.


A)      I hold an entry qualification (Bachelor’s degree or equivalent) obtained abroad

If you are currently studying at an Italian University, but you hold an entry qualification title obtained abroad, please refer to the procedure described in the following webpage (you can select the procedure that best fits your profile):

Kindly note that if you are a non-EU student residing in Italy with a valid residence permit issued for study purposes (i.e. released after enrolment in a degree programme at an Italian University), you will have to follow the specific transfer procedure, under penalty of automatically losing the residence permit.

Please check the following webpage for further information:

In order to transfer to this Master’s Degree Programme from another Italian University, these are the main steps you will need to follow:

      1. apply to the Master’s Degree Programme through the Apply portal

  1. if you are admitted, ask for the recognition of credits from your previous studies (please check Recognition of previous studies)
  2. submit the outgoing transfer application form to your own University, according to its deadline and procedure
  3. follow the instructions provided by the University of Padua for the incoming transfer procedure.


B)      I hold an entry qualification obtained in Italy (Laurea Triennale or equivalent)

If you are currently studying at an Italian University and you hold an entry qualification title obtained in Italy, please refer to the procedure described in the following webpage (in Italian):

Informal evaluation

Kindly note that enrolment to the Course is subject to the possession of the minimum curricular requirements for access. These can be found on the University of Padua website, on this page, which also describes the formal procedure that students must follow for pre-registration and the eventual official request for pre-assessment and recognition of credits. Normally, the document is updated once a year, well in advance of the deadlines for procedures related to the following academic year.

Interested candidates, however, may at any time obtain an informal assessment of their entry title by making a request to the Student Practices Committee of the Degree Programme. The Committee's opinion is only indicative and not official; in fact, the only official decision is that which is given following the submission of an official application for assessment of the minimum curricular requirements, in accordance with the University procedure. Informal assessment, however, makes it possible to obtain a reliable response very quickly, at any time of the year and at no cost.

Beyond the formal aspects that must be complied with (there is a minimum number of CFUs that must have been acquired in specific scientific-disciplinary sectors), what is important is that each student, interested in transferring to the Master's Degree Programme, carries out a self-assessment of their knowledge, skills and abilities in certain disciplines, as set out in this Syllabus. Students who believe to possess the listed skills will be able to join the Master's Degree Programme with confidence. Those who feel they are lacking in some of the skills are invited to acquire them independently before starting to attend the courses. The Degree Programme Coordinator will always be available to provide interested students with information on the material available for individual study. No assessment of attainment of the required prior knowledge will be made: each student will be responsible for his or her own basic training.

In order to obtain the informal assessment, applicants must send an e-mail to the Student Practices Committee ( with the subject "Transfer Student First Name Last Name from University". The email must contain the description of the request and the following documents must be attached:

  1. the study plan of the degree programme (Bachelor's degree) and/or Master's degree programme attended;
  2. the scientific-disciplinary sectors (SSD) related to each of the courses indicated in point 1;
  3. the syllabus of each of the courses indicated in point 1.

Any email communication subsequent to the first one must always report the entire history of the email messages already exchanged, in order to allow the reader (even at a distance of time) to immediately reconstruct all the communications already exchanged (i.e. always use the REPLY button for all emails subsequent to the first one sent).

Important notice: the procedure described above is only foreseen for students who wish to transfer from another Italian university or hold an entry qualification obtained in Italy. Other types of requests will be discarded.

Last modified: Friday, 25 October 2024, 12:10 PM