Period: First semester

Course unit contents: Topics: Stress and Strain, Deformation Processes in the Lithosphere, Brittle fracture and friction of rocks, Faults and Structure of Fault Zones, Fluids and Faults, Earthquake mechanics and the seismic cycle, Earthquakes and Tectonics, Earthquake forecasting and hazard, Human-induced seismicity

Planned learning activities and teaching methods: This practical-based course will include 24 hours of classes (3 CFU), 24 hours of lab activities (2 CFU) and a 3-days long field trip in the Central Apennines (1 CFU). In fact, our teaching philosophy is that only with direct experience you will learn and become competent on a particular topic.

Classes, presented with powerpoint (all the slides will be available in the platform Moodle), will be supported by videos and virtual activities. The “practical” laboratory experience will include group activities to conduct:

(a) analogue experiments with the spring-slider model to simulate the seismic cycle – and the interpretation of the mechanical data;
(b) rock deformation experiments with uni- triaxial- press and the rotary-shear apparatus RoSA to investigate rock fracture and to reproduce seismic and aseismic deformation conditions in the laboratory.

The results of the “group” experimental activities will be presented by each student with a short talk (power point presentation). The aim of this presentation is to introduce the students to the fundamentals of scientific communication, also extremely useful for technical and other work activities (including job interviews).

The course will include a three days long field trip to visit seismogenic faults outcropping in the Central Apennines. The main topics addressed in the field trip will be presented by the students with a short talk.

Last modified: Wednesday, 31 May 2023, 12:20 PM