Oral exam on February 10th can OPTIONALLY be delayed to the 17th

Oral exam on February 10th can OPTIONALLY be delayed to the 17th

di Alvise Spano' -
Numero di risposte: 0

The second session is officially scheduled for Friday, February 10th 2023.
Optionally, the exam can be delayed for one week and be taken on Friday, February 17th.
All candidates must subscribe to the official date. Then, those willing to take the exam on the 17th must send a private e-mail to me, explicitly stating that.
Those who did not send the e-mail will be examined on the 10th by default.
It is not possible to attempt the exam on both dates.

On both dates the exam will be held online on Zoom at 10:30https://unipd.zoom.us/j/6123343797
A laptop computer with a decent internet connection, a working webcam or a mobile phone, as well as a properly configured programming environment for F# are mandatory.
Students that cannot fulfil such requirements can ask me by mail to take the exam in presence.
In such case, a working laptop computer with a properly configured programming environment for F# is mandatory.