First lab prep

First lab prep

par Lejla Dzanko,
Nombre de réponses : 0

Hello everyone!

My name is Lejla and I'll be holding the NS labs this year. I'm looking forward to meeting you all on Monday!

Our first lab is fast approaching. The aim is to give you skills needed in order for you to successfully do your Network Science projects. Throughout the labs we will learn how to collect and preprocess the data, create networks and apply network science tools to analyze them and finally, how to visualize the results.

One of the most commonly used data sources for the student projects (and research community) is social media. In the first two labs we are going to learn how to use Twitter API to download Tweets.

In order for you to be able to follow the labs you need a Twitter developer account.

All you have to do is create a Twitter profile (make sure you use your real email and number, and I suggest you use the Italian ones if you have them) and apply for a developer account at this link. Some of you will be approved immediately, others will have to wait a while, and there's a chance you will also get follow up questions from Twitter - make sure to answer them in time. That's why I am asking you to make the account in advance (our lab will probably be on the 3d November).

We will use Google Colab for the code so make sure you know your way around it. Also, if you haven't worked in Python before I recommend this free ebook to get the basics of the syntax.

I am here for any questions and clarifications.

