IP presentations on Feb 12

IP presentations on Feb 12

di Tomaso Erseghe -
Numero di risposte: 0

Dear all,
The IP presentation day is approaching and we need to organise the schedule.

Remember that each group (SNA+NS) will have 40 minutes to present their project.
The timing is strict: 40 mins is maximum time. All members should present their part.
In your slides and in your report, make sure to highlight who did what. We are 
expecting to receive report+slides+code via email the day before (Feb 11), any time.

In the report:
- SNA students: please clearly introduce the topic, the research questions, and the 
  relevant literature, as well as a sound interpretation of the result
- NS students: please describe the algorithmic solutions you implemented

Wrt guidelines for the report, have a look at the examples from past years in the 

Below is a tentative schedule for the day. Please be so kind to:
1) confirm names
2) confirm the scheduled time
3) let us know if for some reasons some of you need to connect remotely via 
zoom, or if you cannot attend because of other exams

Caterina and Tomaso

————— Tentative Schedule for Wed Feb 12, 9:00 am Room 8 @ DISLL ————— 

9:00-9:50 Overtourism
Mia Protic, Tomiris Kopbayeva, Yuriko Takahashi
Brenno Ludergnani, Adam Robert Truty, Maryam Rezaeian Faraji, Saidi Hassiba Lina (on zoom)
(Michael Yousef will do it later because he has two exams that same day)

9:50-10:40 Tradwives
Nicole Monge, Natalia Gobba, Montserrat Guerra-Solano, Fernanda Peron
Antonio Ceschi, Riccardo Cazzin, Nunzia Cecatiello 

10:40-11:30 Climate change
Hampus Ynner (on zoom), Simon Vadsten (on zoom), Sven Emilsson (on zoom), Tina Taherizadeh, Abdul-Rashid Issahaku
Jeyran Jamali, Anna Glado, Pietro Segato, Monireh Azad

11:30-12:20 Privacy
Deanesi Serena, Mioli Nicole, Tormen Alessia, Dani Khodor, Iñaki Pagola 
Mattia Liberale, Chiara Lauditi, Mahshid Shams , Elisa Antuca 

15:00-15:50 Abortion
Edvarda Iselvmo, Marija Vukovic, Erica Bergamini, Filippo Parise, Hoang Anh Nguyen 
Camilo Sanabria, Parisa Saeedidana, Ben Sebastian Attias, Daria Hussain Antora 

15:50-16:40 Veganism
Dal Lago Sofia, Marchesini Laura, Curidori Chiara, Trang Mac, Wiktoria Natalia Strzelczyk 
Ruslan Nuriev, Zeinab Soltani, Saeid Abbasnejad, Giovanni Passaro, Amirreza Jolani Mameghani