JC eval and exam guidelines

JC eval and exam guidelines

par Alessandro Carrer,
Nombre de réponses : 0

Hi all,

as discussed your final vote will be a weighted average that include the JC evaluations (10 points out of 33 total) and results of a written exam (23pt/33).

Evaluation of JC is attached. While it is obvious you prepared and studied well, results were less than ideal but prof. Santoro and I acknowledge you were not in the best position to do the exercise. Overall, we used a long leashed and grades are all positive to excellent. Grades are expressed as X pt out of 10:

Francesca Libralon 7
Nilde Scalisi 7
Gabriele Talin 9
Luca Bonaccio 7
Carlo Alberto Flora 7
Miric Dag 9
Amalie Eggesbø 6
Sunniva Jørstad 10
Klára Švihovcová 6
Beatrice Martinazzo 10
Davide Favaro 10
Chiara Cosci 9
Vittoria Michelotto 8

Four of you are listed to take the exam on Friday. Again, that will be in Room 0E at 11 AM. We will give you 1h30 to complete the test. The test will include:

- 3 questions (multiple answers) relative to the lab work we have done. Those will count 3 pt

- 2 questions relative prof. Santoro's lectures (10pt)

- 2 open questions relative to my lectures (10pt).

Same scheme will be adopted for future tests. Prof. Santoro and I might add/subtract a discretional 5% to the final count.

Please, don't hesitate to contact us if anything is not clear or any concern arises.
