End of the course, informal survey, exam

End of the course, informal survey, exam

by Paolo Baldan -
Number of replies: 1

Dear Students,

the course has come to its conclusion. At the link:


you will find an informal survey about course. Please fill it in. Your answers will provide valuable information for improving the course. The form consists of few questions, none of which is mandatory, so you can answer only the questions which are of interest for you. It will be useful for me.

Students wishing to take the exam in the summer/autumn session are invited to register for the first summer session. This is just a formal indication. Then, whenever you will be ready to take the exam, you can just drop me an email and we agree on a date.

The shape of the exam is described on the course page (link).

On Monday June 10, in the time-slot normally devoted to the lesson (from 14:30) I will be available to discuss your choices for the exam. In order to make the process more efficient, in case you intend  to come and discuss your choices, I kindly ask you to drop me an email. Then I will fix a schedule.

Kind regards

Paolo Baldan

In reply to Paolo Baldan

Ri: End of the course, informal survey, exam

by Paolo Baldan -
Dear students,
since I had only a single request, the today's meeting is canceled and I'll be in my office.
Paolo Baldan