Lecture 06 - Comparison ID3 CART

Lecture 06 - Comparison ID3 CART

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The differences between ID3 and the algorithm implemented by the scikit-learn which is CART are the following:

Type of learning:

  • ID3: is for binary classification only
  • CART: "Classification And Regression Trees" is composed by various algorithms, including binary classification tree learning. There is a method "rpart()" where you can specify the classes, but rpart can infer this type of dependent variable.

Loss functions used for split selection:

  • ID3: splits based in IG (Information Gain) which is the reduction in entropy between the parent node and (weighted sum of) children nodes
  • CART: splits the datas in subsets that minimize the Gini impurity
In the scikit-learn documentation it is written that they use an optimized version of the CART algorithm