Final essays

Final essays

par Enrico Rubaltelli,
Nombre de réponses : 0

Dear All,

I hope your internships are going well. I uploaded on moodle the tracks for those of you who want to write the essay focusing on the concept you learnt during the second part of the class (the one on education - Maja's part to be clear). You can find the files on the essay section on Moodle.

For my part on policy making you don't have any track, but you must write the essay considering the different phases of the BASIC framework.

You have the format details on Moodle but remember that it must be:

1. title page (no text)

2. four full pages of text (with the format published on Moodle)

3. reference page (no text but for the list of references)

We look forward to reading your essays.

Best wishes,
