Exam dates and guidelines

Exam dates and guidelines

par Michele Liguori,
Nombre de réponses : 0

Dear students,

the schedule for the 1st semester exam sessions is as follow:

Session 1: 25 January at 11 am

Session 2:  16 February at 11 am

All exam sessions will be held in Lab P104, where lectures also take place.



Allow me to remind you of the exam procedures and some guidelines, which I previously illustrated in class:

1. The exam will consist in 2-3 coding exercises, that will be uploaded on the moodle page of the course and made available to you at the beginning of the session.

2. You can choose to work either with the PCs in Lab P104 or with your own laptop.

3. You can use any text editor/environment/IDE, according to your programming preferences.

4. At the end, you will have to upload on moodle both the source code and any output file which might be required as part of the solution to the exercises.

5. IMPORTANT: the uploaded source code must be contained either in a simple "filename.py" file - which I can open using a text editor like emacs - or in a "filename.ipynb" Jupyter notebook

6. You are allowed to consult any book or notes, as well as web python documentation. You can also use your own - previously written - source code as well as the material contained in the notebooks I am showing in class and uploading on moodle.    
