Moving lesson from Thursday to Monday

Moving lesson from Thursday to Monday

di Luigi Rizzo -
Numero di risposte: 1

There is the possibility to move the Thursday lesson in the Oe classroom to Monday from 12.30 pm to 2.30 pm in the Ue classroom, in order to have always  the computer laboratory available for each lesson. If anyone has any impediments, let me know otherwise from November 6th we will start Monday lessons as described above.

In riposta a Luigi Rizzo

Ri: Moving lesson from Thursday to Monday

di Luigi Rizzo -
As there have been several unavailability to move the lessons from Thursday to Monday due to concurrent lessons, this move is not confirmed and therefore the lessons will continue with the established calendar, the only exception being the lesson on Monday 6th of November from 12.30 to 14.30 in Ue room