Studenti in corso

Piani di studio

Information Engineering

information engineering banner

Board of the degree course:

Chair of the Degree Course: A. Cenedese

Delegate for the plan of study: M. Santagiustina

For more information about courses, study plan, credit recognition etc. please write to:

Educational Offer - Rules

Please see the UNIVERSITY EDUCATIONAL OFFER website for more details and description of the educational offer.
Pay attention: select your enrollment Academic Year (cohort) to retrieve the correct “Educational offer” necessary of fill out the Study Plan.

"Prerequisites / Propedeuticità" of the Course unit

Students are kindly invited to acknowledge that they are required the following:

  • to be able to register to exams of courses taught during the second year of the academic calendar of their degree it is compulsory to have passed the "Calculus 1" or "Linear Algebra" exams and to have obtained a minimum of 24 credits (excluding the B2 English language exam);
  • to be able to register to exams of courses taught during the third year of the academic calendar of their degree it is compulsory to have passed a minimum of 72 credits including all the 1st year exams (excluding the B2 English language exam).

  Study plan: excel template and instructions

         Video of the meeting 13.11.2024