Indice degli argomenti
- Course program
- Readings
- Examination method
- Course program
- Colour SU(3)
- QCD lagrangian
- Local gauge invariance
- Colour SU(3)
- renormalization
- αs and its energy dependence
- the running constant
- relative size of finite order approximations
- quark masses and thresholds
- perturbative prediction of observables
- renormalization scale depenedence
- nonperturbative QCD methods
- renormalization
- probing a charge distribution with electrons. Form Factors
- electron-proton scattering. Proton Form Factors
- inelastic scattering ep → eX
- relationship between DIS and σ(γ*p)
- naive quark-parton model
- improved parton model
- scaling violation, DGLAP equations
- Weizsäcker- Williams approximation
- fragmentation functions and their scaling properties
- probing a charge distribution with electrons. Form Factors
- HERA colliders
- Kinematics
- Structure Functions definitions
- The ZEUS detector
- Typical events of neutral current
- Kinematic variables reconstruction
- Characteristics of the events
- The phase space
- Purity and acceptance
- Statistical and systematic uncertainties
- The structure function F2
- Partonic distribution of the proton
- HERA colliders
- Hadronic production of the jets
- Kinematics and definition of the jets
- Two jets cross section
- Comparison with the experiments
- αs measurement
- Deep inelastic scattering
- τ lepton decay
- quarkonium
- e+e- annihilation
- hadron-hadron scattering
- αs measurement
- The Glashow-Weinberg-Salam model
- The Higgs mechanism
- The Glashow-Weinberg-Salam model and the Higgs mechanism
- The fermion masses
- The Glashow-Weinberg-Salam model
- Measurement of the Weinberg angle
- Discovery of the W±, Z0
- Precision measurement of the Z0
- Precision measurement of the W
- Discovery of the top
- Discovery of the Higgs
- Measurement of the Weinberg angle
- Origin of the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa (CKM) matrix
- Overview of the experimental measurements of the CKM elements
- CP violation of the Standard Model
- Overview of the experimental measurements
- Origin of the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa (CKM) matrix
- Neutrinos oscillations in general
- Two flavours formalism
- Three flavours formalism
- Atmospheric neutrinos: SK and OPERA
- Neutrinos in the matter
- Solar neutrinos: SNO