Info for students and Faculty - DII

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Course: Info per studenti e docenti - DII
Book: Info for students and Faculty - DII
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Date: Friday, 14 February 2025, 2:39 AM

1. Welcome

In this section you will find information on:

  •     Master's Degree and PhD Programmes
  •     study plans
  •     examination calendars
  •     international mobility
  •     final examinations
  •     internships and job opportunities

5. Study plans

What is a study plan?

A study plan is the tool through which students plan their own training path. It is a list of the training activities that each student undertakes in order to obtain his/her Bachelor’s / Master's degree.
Training activities can include course units, traineeships, foreign language proficiency tests, final exams/projects and so on.
Each study plan includes both compulsory and student-choice activities.
The Degree Programme Council (CCS) sets the compulsory activities for all the students belonging to a certain cohort.
Instead, choice activities are proposed by the student: if they include course units offered by his/her Degree programme, the plan can be approved automatically. Students may also propose other subjects in their plan, e.g. from other Degree programmes. In such cases, the CCS will approve or reject the student's proposal, depending on whether or not it is deemed consistent with his/her training path.

How many types of study plan exist?

There are two main types of study plan: with automatic approval (or statutory) and proposed (or special).
A study plan can be approved automatically if it fulfils both of these conditions:

  • it includes all the compulsory course units envisaged in one's own Degree programme, in relation to one's own student cohort;
  • among the student-choice course units, it includes only course units offered by one's own Degree programme.

This type of study plan is not subject to evaluation by the CCS, but is instead approved automatically via Uniweb, when the student has selected “Confirm Plan” at the end of the procedure.

Schemes of automatically approved study plans can be found in Annex 3 of the a Degree Programme Regulations.

Instead, a study plan is proposed when at least one of the two conditions above is not met. For example, this may occur when a student requests the replacement of one or more course units compulsory for his/her student cohort with other course units; or when a course unit not offered by the Degree programme is proposed as “student-choice”. A proposed plan is subject to evaluation by the CCS and can be either approved or rejected with a request for amendments.

To be able to enter their examinations in their online student record book, Master's Degree student must compile a provisional study plan, which allows them to plan, as early as the 1st year, their entire training path.
A provisional plan can be either automatically approved or proposed.

Who has to submit a study plan?

Master's Degree Programmes

  • students enrolled in the 1st year: must submit a provisional study plan, either with automatic approval or proposed. It is advisable to compile automatically approved provisional plans, aiming to have the course units of the examinations you intend to take in the 1st year in your on-line student record book. The plan can be finalised in the 2nd year, thus avoiding the need for the “Student Procedure Committee” to check the plan of the same student several times.
  • students enrolled in the 2nd year: must submit a complete study plan;
  • students outside prescribed time: must submit a study plan, unless they have already done so previously. 

When to submit a study plan?

Study plans must be submitted by November. However, they can be modified until 15 July 2025 or in subsequent academic years, during the same period, also by students outside prescribed time.

It is not possible to graduate without first submitting a study plan and obtaining its approval. Furthermore, it is no longer possible to change a study plan after applying for graduation.

How to submit a study plan?

Study plans must be submitted via Uniweb, except in special cases (e.g. students outside prescribed time by more than 2 years), which require a manual procedure. Plans submitted with inappropriate procedures will not be considered.

Uniweb procedure

  • Read the section on entering study plans in the Uniweb handbook.
  • Load the plan following the path that is progressively shown. When finished, click CONFIRM PLAN on two successive screens (otherwise the plan remains as a Draft only).
  • If a plan is with automatic approval, the procedure is finished, and you will not receive any e-mail (if correctly sent, the plan will be automatically approved).
  • Copy of an automatically approved plan can always be obtained via Uniweb, without any formal request.

For proposed study plans only

  • If a plan is proposed, when you click CONFIRM PLAN, it is automatically made available to the Student Procedure Committee of your Degree programme.
  • Proposed study plans submitted by the 15th of each month will be assessed by the relevant Student Procedure Committee by the end of the month.
  • Students will be notified by e-mail as to whether or not the plan proposal has been approved; in the event of approval, they can download a copy of the approved plan from Uniweb. Any non-approval will be justified, and students can submit the plan again.

Manual procedure

  • The manual procedure may only be used in special cases that do not allow the study plan to be submitted via Uniweb. For info and problems send a request to our Helpdesk > section "Didattica - Carriere studenti" (Teaching - Students' Careers).
  • Approved plans will be forwarded to the Student Office (Lungargine del Piovego), without any further action by the student.

6. Examination calendar

To take exams, students should sign up via Uniweb.

The examination dates are set by professors according to the Regolamento Esami (Exam Regulations).

The examination timetables are available in September through the lecture halls booking system and may be subject to change.

Support for examinations

7. International

The University of Padua and the Department of Industrial Engineering promote student mobility to EU and non-EU countries.

There are various possibilities for funding mobility through calls such as Erasmus+, SEMP, T.I.M.E., Ulysses and others.

7.1. Calls for international mobility

The University of Padua and the Department of Industrial Engineering promote student mobility to EU and non-EU countries.

There are various possibilities for funding mobility through calls such as Erasmus+, SEMP, T.I.M.E., Ulysses and others.

Recognition of the activities carried out abroad is guaranteed by the Learning Agreement to be completed before departure and, if necessary, updated during mobility.

7.2. Erasmus+ and Learning Agreement for international mobility

Erasmus+ for Studies allows students to spend a study period (2 to 12 months) at one of over 500 partner universities in one of the countries participating in the programme.
Mobility is possible for each study cycle, for the attendance of courses (and examinations), research for the Master's thesis and for internship activities, provided they are combined with a study period.

7.3. T.I.M.E.

The programme, promoted by Europe's most prestigious Polytechnics and Faculties of Engineering, allows students to study for 2 years at one of the partner foreign Universities: the French Grandes Écoles of Paris, Nantes, Lille, Lyon and Marseille, the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, the Universidade Tecnica de Lisboa, the Technical University of Denmark and Yokohama National University.
At the end of the study programme, students receive a double degree from the University of Padua and the foreign university where part of the training was carried out.

7.4. Ulisse

The University of Padua promotes student mobility towards non-European Countries.

The new Ulisse Programme enables students to spend a study,or thesis research period abroad at partner Universities in different continents (Europe, Americas, Asia, Oceania).

The recognition of the activities carried out abroad is ensured by the Learning Agreement approved before your departure and possibly updated during your mobility period.

8. Final Examinations

Final Examinations

In order to graduate, you must have first obtained the approval of your study plan.

Failure to comply with procedures or deadlines may result in the candidate being unable to graduate in the scheduled session.

The dates of the graduation ceremonies are available below. As soon as dates and commissions are available, they will be published and communicated to all candidates at their e-mail address.

Procedures and deadlines for the graduation application and submission of documents:

Dates of the Graduation Ceremonies

8.1. Submission of Master's thesis

The Master's thesis must be submitted exclusively in digital format, by uploading it in UNIWEB within 3 days before its defense.

The Supervisor must approve the uploaded file (PDF/A, max. 40 MB), the name of which must be: Surname_Name.pdf (i.e. Doe_John.pdf)

Guidelines for the upload of the Master's thesis

Instructions for generating an accessible PDF/A document (Office)

Instructions for generating an accessible PDF/A document (Latex)

Please, pay special attention to the option of free consultation / confidentiality of the thesis, as open access files will automatically be made available for consultation in "Padua Thesis and Dissertation Archive".

9. Internships and Job Opportunities

10. PhD in Industrial Engineering

The Doctoral Programme in Industrial Engineering (Corso di Dottorato in Industrial Engineering) is meant to promote, organize and manage highly innovative and multidisciplinary 3-year training projects of doctoral level in the various fields of Industrial Engineering.


Courses of the PhD Programme in Industrial Engineering

Management of the PhD Programme in Industrial Engineering

11. Contacts

For admission and enrolment: International Desk.

For administrative issues (changing programme / study-track, certificates, etc.): Engineering Student Office.

For info about scholarships and fees: Ufficio Servizi agli studenti.

For problems with STEM - DII : send a request to our Helpdesk > section "SERVIZI INFORMATICI::7 Moodle", providing as much info as possible (i.e.: screenshots, links) to facilitate the problem solving.

For academic issues

Academic Office (Settore Didattica e Post-Lauream DII)

For info not available on the STEM - DII platform, in the Degree Programmes web pages or on the University website, send a request to our HelpdeskBefore sending such a request, read carefully the Academic Office FAQs.

For important issues which cannot be solved by Helpdesk, you can make an appointment by sending a motivated request to our Helpdesk (> section “Carriere studenti”) in order to meet  the Academic referee of your Degree Programme in person or via ZOOM.


  • Degree Programmes in:
    • Aerospace Engineering: Ms. Cristina Zubani
    • Chemical and Materials Engineering: Ms. Cristina Zubani
    • Chemical and Process Engineering: Ms. Laura Scarpa
    • Civil and Industrial Safety Engineering: Ms. Chiara Rottigni
    • Electrical Engineering: Mr. Fabio Meneghini
    • Energy Engineering (B.Sc): Mr. Fabio Meneghini
    • Energy Engineering (M.Sc): Ms. Laura Scarpa
    • Materials Engineering: Ms. Laura Scarpa
    • Mechanical Engineering: Ms. Chiara Rottigni
  • Graduation ceremonies: Ms. Ludovica Lembo, Ms. Laura Scarpa
  • International mobility: Ms. Ludovica Lembo, Ms. Laura Scarpa
  • PhD Programme in Industrial Engineering: Ms. Valentina Fazio, Ms. Cristina Zubani
  • Post-graduate education: Ms. Ludovica Lembo, Ms. Laura Scarpa
  • International Desk: Ms. Silvia Gualtieri
Office Co-ordinator: Ms. Valentina Fazio

12. Helpdesk

To access the Helpdesk system of the Department of Industrial Engineering: